Wednesday, July 05, 2006

What I mean is this

(Anonymous said...

Please tell more stories about your photos.)

First, as we walk around our neighborhoods, the only way we can notice what is on the ground is to look down. That's what we do when we are depressed. We don't look up, like the happy people do. When you walk around looking down you see all of these amazing images created by the people trying to talk up; the people with no other channel than the street.

That's the first thing. I take photos of what the streets scream at me.

The second thing is about art. I am not a great photographer of people or buildings or news events. My strength is composition, seeing an image in its natural environment. Even then, my skills are weak. But what I strive to accomplish in this work is to capture the voices of the voiceless, who leave their traces on the sidewalks and edges of our cities.

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 Little League field in Nicasio, CA.